Data sync

In this lesson, you learn how to publish the sampled ambient noise level and room temperature to AWS IoT Core every ten seconds, and connect with your device’s shadow in AWS IoT Core.


To accomplish these goals, connect your device to your AWS IoT Core endpoint, and exchange messages between the device and the cloud in a model called publish and subscribe (PubSub). AWS IoT Core is heavily based on a protocol called Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). From the home page:

MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.

The messages exchanged between your device and the cloud can include text, numbers, binary, or JSON . JSON is a best practice for exchanging messages between decoupled systems and a recommended pattern for exploring AWS IoT services.

Given permissions, messages publish to a topic, and other clients on AWS IoT Core can subscribe and receive copies of published messages. Topics can look like the following examples:

  • this is a topic
  • domain/stuff/thing/whatever
  • dt/device123/temperature
  • tokyo/weather/report
  • $aws/things/edukit/shadow/update

The MQTT protocol defines topic partitions as separated by the forward slash ‘/’ character. This is a foundational concept in designing topic architecture for an IoT solution. This module will help you implement topics to follow best practices. For more information, see Designing MQTT Topics for AWS IoT Core .

In your smart thermostat solution, you use a feature of AWS IoT Core called device shadows. A device shadow is a JSON document used to store and retrieve current state information for a device. You can store key-value pairs in a JSON document, publish the document on a special topic, and AWS IoT Core stores the document in the cloud. It’s a useful way to keep the latest device state changes in the cloud, so that other systems can receive updates in real time. It’s also useful for other systems to send desired commands back to your device, because AWS IoT Core keeps your device in sync with any new desired commands stored in the device shadow.

For example, the smart thermostat needs to report the latest room temperature and ambient noise level to power our solution. The message your device publishes looks like the following:

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "temperature": 68,
      "noise": 10

When AWS IoT Core receives a message, it stores the key-value pairs until a new published message overrides them. For example, when sending a command back to your smart thermostat, another system could publish the following message to your device shadow:

  "state": {
    "desired": {
      "hvacStatus": "COOLING"

AWS IoT Core then merges the JSON documents, so that your device shadow’s aggregated state appears as follows:

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "temperature": 68,
      "noise": 10
    "desired": {
      "hvacStatus": "COOLING"

The next time that your device connects to AWS IoT Core, or if it is already connected when the command is published, it receives this aggregate state document. It is up to the device code to act on that new key-value pair "hvacStatus": "COOLING". AWS IoT Core makes it easy to report new values and process desired commands.

Your smart thermostat reports the latest temperature values and noise levels. Your thermostat also receives commands and tracks the state of two more values called “hvacStatus” and “roomOccupancy”. These values are determined by the cloud application in the coming lessons.

Publishing messages to AWS IoT Core

You use the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C (C-SDK) to communicate between your smart thermostat device and AWS IoT Core. This is a best practice for abstracting away security, network, and data layers, so that you can focus on your device and solution’s application logic. The C-SDK bundles libraries to connect to AWS IoT Core over the MQTT protocol, interfaces with the hardware secure element to sign requests, and integrates with higher order features like the device shadow.

Let’s look at a few critical lines of code and analyze what they do.

The following code defines a new variable called temperatureHandler of type jsonStruct_t. We use this variable as a tool to pack individual key-value pairs and make them available to use with the device shadow. This variable also indicates the callback function to use (if any) if a new “desired” message arrives for the indicated pKey.

jsonStruct_t temperatureHandler;
temperatureHandler.cb = NULL;
temperatureHandler.pKey = "temperature";
temperatureHandler.pData = &temperature;
temperatureHandler.type = SHADOW_JSON_FLOAT;
temperatureHandler.dataLength = sizeof(float);

This example defines a new device shadow key (temperature), sets an initial pData value to temperature, and indicates that it is type SHADOW_JSON_FLOAT. You use this later when you register shadow delta behavior and publish the “reported” values to IoT Core.

The following example registers the delta behavior with the AWS IoT Device SDK. It passes the reference to the initialized SDK client and the jsonStruct_t value. The jsonStruct_t value represents the client’s key-value pair that we want to report changes. The example also registers the roomOccupancyActuator. This is processed when the client receives a new value for state.desired.roomOccupancy.

rc = aws_iot_shadow_register_delta(&iotCoreClient, &roomOccupancyActuator);

The following example demonstrates how to read from the MPU6886 thermostat component to get the local reading. Notice that the temperature is converted to Fahrenheit and contains a hardcoded calibration offset. You can modify this expression to work in Centigrade or a different offset if the default value (50) doesn’t produce values in the range that you expect.

temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32 - 50;

The following is an example of code that packs the values that we want to publish to the cloud into the shadow document for the AWS IoT shadow service. You can add or remove key-value pairs for state.reported here by modifying this variadic function. If you use this example, remember to update the third parameter to match the number of key-value pairs in the list!

rc = aws_iot_shadow_add_reported(JsonDocumentBuffer,
  sizeOfJsonDocumentBuffer, 4, &temperatureHandler,
  &soundHandler, &roomOccupancyActuator, &hvacStatusActuator);

The following code publishes the marshalled shadow document as a payload over the network to IoT Core on the topic $aws/things/<<CLIENT_ID>>/shadow/update. <<CLIENT_ID>> resolves to the client ID (serial number) of your Core2 for AWS device, as displayed on your device screen and in the serial monitor output.

rc = aws_iot_shadow_update(&iotCoreClient, 
  CLIENT_ID, JsonDocumentBuffer,
  ShadowUpdateStatusCallback, NULL, 4, true);

The following code demonstrates a while loop xTask that will effectively run forever unless the network connection is dropped. After publishing the latest message to the device shadow service and responding to any delta callbacks from received messages, the task “sleeps” for the indicated amount of time before it continues to the next cycle of the loop. You can modify the vTaskDelay() expression to publish more or less frequently. You may find it helpful to use a faster interval like 1000ms (one second) while testing and reduce it to ten, thirty, or sixty seconds for a real deployment.

  vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);

The following code represents a callback function for the hvacStatus actuator. This is the code that issues when the device receives a new message that includes the state.desired.hvacStatus key-value pair. You don’t have to do anything to accept the desired state change. It is applied automatically to the local hvacStatusActuator and its pData element.

The IOTUNUSED() function suppresses compiler warnings for unused parameters.

The if/else block is used to evaluate the text value of the new hvacStatus key-value and uses that to determine the color of the LED strips.

void hvac_Callback(const char *pJsonString, uint32_t JsonStringDataLen, jsonStruct_t *pContext) {

    char * status = (char *) (pContext->pData);

    if(pContext != NULL) {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Delta - hvacStatus state changed to %s", status);

    if(strcmp(status, HEATING) == 0) {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setting side LEDs to red");
        Core2ForAWS_Sk6812_SetSideColor(SK6812_SIDE_LEFT, 0xFF0000);
        Core2ForAWS_Sk6812_SetSideColor(SK6812_SIDE_RIGHT, 0xFF0000);
    } else if(strcmp(status, COOLING) == 0) {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setting side LEDs to blue");
        Core2ForAWS_Sk6812_SetSideColor(SK6812_SIDE_LEFT, 0x0000FF);
        Core2ForAWS_Sk6812_SetSideColor(SK6812_SIDE_RIGHT, 0x0000FF);
    } else {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "clearing side LEDs");

Monitor the device serial output

Complete the following steps to start the serial monitor and monitor your device’s output.

  1. Open VS Code, if necessary.
  2. Expand the File menu and choose New Window in the VS Code to open a new window. This provides a clean file Explorer and working environment.
  3. Select the PlatformIO logo in the VS Code activity bar, choose Open, and then choose Open Project.
  4. Navigate to the Core2-for-AWS-IoT-EduKit/Smart-Thermostat folder and choose open.
  5. From the Quick Access menu, under Miscellaneous, choose New Terminal.
  6. Issue the following command into the PIO terminal window:
pio run --environment core2foraws --target monitor


Complete the following steps to validate that your device is configured as intended:

  1. Log into your AWS account.
  2. Navigate to the AWS IoT console
  3. Choose Test in the navigation pane to open the client view.
  4. Confirm that the Subscribe to a topic tab is active in the MQTT test client window.
  5. Replace <<CLIENT_ID>> in the following topic with your device ID, enter it into the Topic filter field, and choose Subscribe. It may take a couple of minutes for new messages to arrive. Then you should see new messages arriving periodically (as defined by vTaskDelay()).
  1. After you see messages arriving in the client view, choose the Publish to a topic tab.
  2. Replace <<CLIENT_ID>> in the following topic with your device ID, enter it into the Topic name field, and choose Publish. It may take a couple of minutes for new messages to arrive. Then you should see new messages arriving periodically (as defined by vTaskDelay()).
  1. Replace the information in the Message payload field with the following. Then, choose Publish. You should see the device’s LED bars change from blue to red and off to represent the COOLING, HEATING, and STANDBYstates. The following displays a sample shadow message.
{ "state": { "desired": { "hvacStatus": "HEATING", "roomOccupancy": true } } }
  1. See what happens when you change hvacStatus to HEATING or COOLING. Also, see what happens when you change roomOccupiedtotrueorfalse`. Be sure to publish a new message each time you make a change.

Now that you can receive readings from your device and change the HVAC states, continue to Data transforms and routing .

Questions? Please use M5Stack Forum

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